Materials manufactured in the United States: preference for in state and local government public contracts and purchases; conditions specified -
SB1069Medical cannabis program created: Office of Medical Cannabis Regulation; licenses required; patient and caregiver registry; dispensaries, prescription drug monitoring program, child placement and custody, fair employment law, UI, WC, open housing law, sales tax exemption, and criminal penalty provisions; reports required -
AB1040Municipal rent control and inclusionary zoning: prohibitions repealed; DOA appendix report -
AB877Municipal rent control and inclusionary zoning: prohibitions repealed; DOA appendix report -
SB821Occupational and business licenses: DOA to report on proposed legislation requiring [S.Sub.Amdt.1] -
Se3 SB1Online customer service hub: appropriation to DOA to develop and maintain [Sec. 488] -
AB43Online customer service hub: appropriation to DOA to develop and maintain [Sec. 488] [original bill only] -
SB70Qualified bidder on state projects: criteria modified -
AB22Qualified bidder on state projects: criteria modified -
SB20Real estate practice law changes re disclosures, discipline, licenses, and criminal penalties; real property wholesaler disclosure requirements; JRCCP may report; DOA appendix report [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB918Real estate practice law changes re disclosures, discipline, licenses, and criminal penalties; real property wholesaler disclosure requirements; JRCCP may report; DOA appendix report -
SB870Residential housing infrastructure revolving loan fund and program established to support workforce and senior housing projects; reports required; DOA appendix report [A.Amdt.1 as amended by A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB264Residential housing infrastructure revolving loan fund and program established to support workforce and senior housing projects; reports required; DOA appendix report -
SB293Risk management positions transferred from UW System to DOA [Sec. 9147 (1)] -
AB43Risk management positions transferred from UW System to DOA [Sec. 9147 (1)] [original bill only] -
SB70State agencies prohibited from contracting with enterprise, organization, or business entity organized under laws or rules of or controlled by a country of concern; DOA and AG duties -
AB1090State agencies prohibited from contracting with enterprise, organization, or business entity organized under laws or rules of or controlled by a country of concern; DOA and AG duties -
SB1000State agency information technology accessibility standards for individuals with disabilities: DOA to establish -
AB904State agency information technology accessibility standards for individuals with disabilities: DOA to establish -
SB831TID life extension for housing stock improvement; DOA appendix report [Sec. 1243, 1245, 1246] -
AB43TID life extension for housing stock improvement; DOA appendix report -
AB862TID life extension for housing stock improvement; DOA appendix report [Sec. 1243, 1245, 1246] [original bill only] -
SB70TID life extension for housing stock improvement; DOA appendix report -
SB825UI law changes re identity spoofing, education and information materials provided by DWD, assistance call center, and database comparisons; DOA Secretary authorized to temporarily transfer employees to DWD to assist with UI appeals; report required [S.Amdt.1: temporary assignment of employees to DWD provisions modified] -
AB152UI law changes re identity spoofing, education and information materials provided by DWD, assistance call center, and database comparisons; DOA Secretary authorized to temporarily transfer employees to DWD to assist with UI appeals -
SB235Workforce home loan program: revolving loan created in WHEDA; DOA appendix report -
AB619Workforce home loan program: revolving loan created in WHEDA; DOA appendix report -
SB576Workforce home loan revolving loan program established and administered by WHEDA; DOA appendix report -
AB1094Workforce home loan revolving loan program established and administered by WHEDA; DOA appendix report -
SB975Clean energy small business incubator created [Sec. 169, 500] -
AB43Clean energy small business incubator created [Sec. 169, 500] [original bill only] -
SB70Cybersecurity of information technology systems maintained by eligible entities: DOA to establish security operations centers and Division of Enterprise Technology to manage, fee provision [Sec. 176-178, 180, 182-185, 489, 494] -
AB43Cybersecurity of information technology systems maintained by eligible entities: DOA to establish security operations centers and Division of Enterprise Technology to manage, fee provision [Sec. 176-178, 180, 182-185, 489, 494] [original bill only] -
SB70Environmental Justice, Office of, and Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy created in DOA [Sec. 65, 66, 80, 168, 484, 490, 499, 559, 560, 2523, 2524] -
AB43Environmental Justice, Office of, and Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy created in DOA [Sec. 65, 66, 80, 168, 484, 490, 499, 559, 560, 2523, 2524] [original bill only] -
SB70Equity and Inclusion, Council on and Office for Equity and Inclusion created and attached to DOA; statewide plan for equity and inclusion established; report and FTE provisions -
AB1112Equity and Inclusion, Council on and Office for Equity and Inclusion created and attached to DOA; statewide plan for equity and inclusion established; report and FTE provisions -
SB1019National and Community Service Board appropriation [Sec. 501] -
AB43National and Community Service Board appropriation [Sec. 501] [original bill only] -
SB70Paid family and medical leave for state employees and UW System employees; DPM, UW Regents, and JCOER duties [Sec. 2528, 9101 (3), 9147 (5)] -
AB43Paid family and medical leave for state employees and UW System employees; DPM, UW Regents, and JCOER duties [Sec. 2528, 9101 (3), 9147 (5)] [original bill only] -
SB70Paid family and medical leave for state employees and UW System employees; DPM, UW Regents, and JCOER duties [original bill only] -
Se3 SB1Wisconsin Climate Corps (WCC) program and board created, audit and report provisions -
AB810Wisconsin Climate Corps (WCC) program and board created, audit and report provisions -
SB762Affordable workforce housing grants to municipalities [Sec. 112, 508] -
AB43Affordable workforce housing grants to municipalities [Sec. 112, 508] [original bill only] -
SB70American Indian tourism marketing contract with the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council transferred from Tour.Dept to DOA; annual grant provision [Sec. 106-108, 9143 (1)] -
AB43American Indian tourism marketing contract with the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council transferred from Tour.Dept to DOA; annual grant provision [Sec. 106-108, 9143 (1)] [original bill only] -
SB70Badger fund of funds investment program changes re the investment manager -
AB890Badger fund of funds investment program changes re the investment manager -
SB878Civil legal services for the indigent: annual payments from DOA to Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc. [Sec. 84, 486] -
AB43Civil legal services for the indigent: annual payments from DOA to Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc. [Sec. 84, 486] [original bill only] -
SB70Climate change: local governments required to consider when preparing certain plans; planning grants created -
AB850Climate change: local governments required to consider when preparing certain plans; planning grants created -
SB771Computer aid payments to taxing jurisdictions: date changed [Sec. 1663, 9437 (9)] -
AB43Computer aid payments to taxing jurisdictions: date changed [Sec. 1663, 9437 (9)] [original bill only] -
SB70Executive budget bill prepared according to GAAP, in addition to a bill prepared based on standards under current law -
AB31Executive budget bill prepared according to GAAP, in addition to a bill prepared based on standards under current law -
SB32Fund of funds investment program: gross proceeds reinvested [Sec. 110, 111] -
AB43Fund of funds investment program: gross proceeds reinvested [Sec. 110, 111] [original bill only] -
SB70Fund of funds investment program revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 24-35] -
SB70Grant to The Ability Center to convert certain park to provide recreation and rehabilitation opportunities for individuals with disabilities -
AB405Grant to The Ability Center to convert certain park to provide recreation and rehabilitation opportunities for individuals with disabilities -
SB390Grants to federally recognized American Indian tribes or bands in this state; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 141, 142, 148, 149, 9101 (2), 9401 (1)] -
SB70Grants to the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 23, 140, 150] -
SB70Harbor Commission of the Town of La Pointe established and investigating potential for ferry service between Wisconsin mainland and Town of La Pointe: DOA grants; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 138, 139, 9130 (1)] -
SB70Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Fund and program created; FEMA and DMA agreement, and DOA duties -
SB64High-voltage transmission line fees: administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 170-175, 491, 493, 2422, 9101 (1)] -
AB43High-voltage transmission line fees: administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 170-175, 491, 493, 2422, 9101 (1)] [original bill only] -
SB70Homeless case management services grants [Sec. 117] -
AB43Homeless case management services grants [Sec. 117] [original bill only] -
SB70Housing quality standards grants created [Sec. 115, 503] -
AB43Housing quality standards grants created [Sec. 115, 503] [original bill only] -
SB70Indian gaming receipts funding changes re tourism marketing and snowmobile law enforcement operations; grants to schools that replace certain race-based nicknames, logos, mascots, and team names; Director of Native American affairs appointed; grants to each tribe or band in Wisconsin [Sec. 77, 81-83, 329, 357, 382, 385, 495, 497, 512-514, 516-518, 562, 755, 2124, 2526, 2787-2789] -
AB43Indian gaming receipts funding changes re tourism marketing and snowmobile law enforcement operations; grants to schools that replace certain race-based nicknames, logos, mascots, and team names; Director of Native American affairs appointed; grants to each tribe or band in Wisconsin [Sec. 77, 81-83, 329, 357, 382, 385, 495, 497, 512-514, 516-518, 562, 755, 2124, 2526, 2787-2789] [original bill only] -
SB70Information technology infrastructure grants: sunsetted program repealed [Sec. 186, 502, 2409] -
AB43Information technology infrastructure grants: sunsetted program repealed [Sec. 186, 502, 2409; S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 47, 143, 429] -
SB70JRT Top Notch Roofs: $213,302.77 claim for damages related to a DOA contract -
AB1164Lead service line replacement: forgivable loans appropriation [Sec. 50, 351, 2648] -
AB43Lead service line replacement: forgivable loans appropriation [Sec. 50, 351, 2648] [original bill only] -
SB70Lead service line replacement: Safe Drinking Water Loan Program bonding authority increased to provide forgivable loans to private users -
AB887Lead service line replacement: Safe Drinking Water Loan Program bonding authority increased to provide forgivable loans to private users -
SB860Legal services for low-income tenants in eviction cases: DOA grant program created -
AB695Local government fund transfers; "police and fire protection fund" changed to "911 fund"; support and improvement of emergency services and municipal sales and use tax provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 37, 39, 55, 102, 113, 115, 116, 121, 122, 131, 132, 156-162, 165-168, 171, 172, 198-209, 211, 242, 243, 250-254, 304, 319, 324, 348, 353-356, 359, 360, 420, 425-428, 439-447, 453, 470, 9101 (4), 9119 (6), 9401 (2), 9406 (1), 9419 (2), 9427 (2), 9431 (2), 9436 (1), 9437 (4); S.Amdt.13: further revisions, 254g] -
SB70Local professional baseball park district: changes to governing board, general powers, and duties; lease and nonrelocation agreements; state grant, local government payments, short-term loans, and segregated fund re facilities improvements; sales and use tax exemption; report required; JSCTE appendix report [A.Amdt.1: Milwaukee County sales tax and pension obligation bonds provisions added, redevelopment report required; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, LAB audit, ticket surcharge, and Milwaukee County pension bonds and sales tax provisions added, local government payments changed, redevelopment report] -
AB438Local professional baseball park district: changes to governing board, general powers, and duties; lease and nonrelocation agreements; state grant, local government payments, short-term loans, and segregated fund re facilities improvements; sales and use tax exemption; report required; JSCTE appendix report -
SB483Local professional baseball park district: funding for grants and short-term loans for improvements, repair, and maintenance [A.Amdt.1: administration of county and municipal sales tax provisions added; S.Amdt.1 and 2: fiscal changes] -